viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Llibertat per a Fouad Al-Farhan (blocaire detingut)

Nosotros ya lo hemos publicado y remitido los E-mails protesta. ¿A qué esperas tú?. ¿Quien será el próximo?.

El passat 10 de desembre la policia saudita va detenir Fouad Al-Farhan, emprenedor i blocaire, per opinions critiques amb el règim d’Aràbia Saudita. La solidaritat blocaire demana el nostre compromís a nivell global. Us proposo enviar a l’ambaixador saudita a Brussel·les ( el correu de protesta que trobareu més avall.
Aquí un Link, para remitir diversos E-Mails a:

- Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Saudi Foreign Affairs Minister
- Adel Al-Jubair, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the US
- Nicholas Burns, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs
- Ford Fraker, US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia



To His Excellency Mr. Nassir Alassaf
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dear Sir,

I deeply regret the arrest of Fouad Al-Farhan, a Saudi blogger prosecuted because of his writings praising the Kingdom reformers and against some of your government policies.Fouad Al-Farhan is an active citizen and entrepreneur, a foreign educated youngster who returned to Saudi Arabia to work on his country’s future.

Unlike most Saudi bloggers Fouad used his real name, taking a strong commitment for freedom and becoming an easy target. An example any nation around the world would welcome and encourage.Ideas, responsible criticism and active citizenship are the basis of nowadays human and economic development. Ignoring this reality, Saudi fears of technology and open information only cripple the country’s future.

It is Saudi bloggers by the thousands and not Saudi princes by the thousands who will open opportunities for the new generation. Ideas, not oil, are your best resource.Don’t jeopardize the future.

Free Fouad Al-Farhan!

Publicado por: Marc Arza Nolla en el Blog: Catalunyafastforward 03/01/08

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

On the record
"El trabajo de los periodistas no consiste en pisar las cucarachas, sino en prender la luz,
para que la gente vea cómo las cucarachas corren a ocultarse..."

Ryszard Kapuściński

Napoleón Bonaparte dijo...

Gracias por la visita. Creo que el tema la merece. He visitado tu Blog. Me lo agrego. Un gran trabajo. Buena información y muy diversa.

Un saludo